LVO Architecture

Palm Island

LVO was retained by MCD Australia in the disciplines of architecture and landscape architecture to view potential sites, identify site layouts, land feature and options, and for the preparation of house and subdivision designs for costing purposes and then reporting.

Palm Island is located 15 minutes flying time north of Townsville, North Queensland, and is a volcanic tropical island of 71 square kilometres in area with a dense cover of tropical vegetation, steep land form, tropical beaches, and is home to over 3,000 people.

The proposed housing subdivision is to act as a further catalyst for on-going housing improvements for Palm Island, and the key initiatives are:

– Sites to address key land features,
– Consideration of adjacent spaces and building,
– Site terrain that allowed for preferred housing styles,
– Incorporation of connectivity between key spaces and adjacent areas,
– The incorporation of structured landscape initiatives, and
– The incorporation of public art initiatives.

LVO provided indicative site analysis and site option layouts plans for four identified sites, dwelling concept plans and images, followed by final presentation of site planning, landscape concept and site features plans.