LVO were engaged to prepare a masterplan for a proposed shopping centre (part of a larger shopping precinct) at west Coomera. The masterplan sought to enable the creation of an efficient retail hub that integrates with adjacent shopping centres, be defined by its generous and engaging public realm, deliver a mixed use development comprising bulky goods and showrooms, retail premises and a medical centre, food outlets, and a residential component, potentially a medium density retirement village.
The plan was structured to achieve a number of key objectives:
. to engage with adjoining roads to create an engaging streetscape;
. to create an active public realm on the site, which dominates the internal parking and road spaces;
. to achieve visual and physical connectivity with the existing centre to the west and the proposed supermarket development to the north, returning a more integrated pedestrian network to the precinct;
. to maintain a building form which, despite the uses, is of a human scale and which does not dominate the site or local area; and
. to make space for functional green space to complement the urban environment.